29 January 2012

Handfuls of Sky - Harmony James

Rating 5/5
Maybe not quite as good as Tailwind, but nevertheless a great album with delightful singing and lyrics.  
Many of the songs make me think and have an atmosphere; I like that in music.
Favourites are Hauling Cane,  Emmylou's Guitar, The Girl You See  and Roll With It.  Originally I thought Hauling Cane was about being pleased not to have stayed, but on further listening I am not so sure the opposite isn't the case. The only song I am not that mad about is Fires of Hell

It would be interesting to know the story behind some of the songs; some of them are clear from the lyrics but others not so.  Some hints come from her website such as the following quotes
“I see HANDFULS OF SKY as a record of emergence from one period of my life to the next,” Harmony says. “I feel like I’m displaying a lot. There are a lot of tracks which are basically me in a nutshell, though I don’t know how many people will recognise that.”  and "Sometimes I think ‘Geez, Harms, you’re being a bit too honest for your own good here’. Then I think, ‘No, it’s art. You don’t know which parts are true and which parts are just good stories.”

Handfuls Harmony James
Lyrics are on the Harmony James web site.

08 January 2012

Goanna Dreaming–Shane Howard


Missed spotting this release until just a few weeks ago.  Shane is a great story teller and the songs usually have a message to think about.  There perhaps is no one song that compares with his best from earlier years, but nevertheless it is a good album.

Favourite tracks for me are  "Don’t Give Up On Us" which in the album notes is described as 'a wryly humorous agnostic prayer',  "Miss Me Darlin"  and "Down By the River"

Rating 4/5



06 January 2012

Blue Sky Blue - Pete Murray

Not That Inspiring

Some albums you get to like more as time goes by, but with this one I find it stays much the same.  I think it is because the songs sound similar to others in Pete Murray's  catalogue.  So it does not get as much play as other recent purchases.

Blue Sky Blue

Rating 3/5