29 January 2012

Handfuls of Sky - Harmony James

Rating 5/5
Maybe not quite as good as Tailwind, but nevertheless a great album with delightful singing and lyrics.  
Many of the songs make me think and have an atmosphere; I like that in music.
Favourites are Hauling Cane,  Emmylou's Guitar, The Girl You See  and Roll With It.  Originally I thought Hauling Cane was about being pleased not to have stayed, but on further listening I am not so sure the opposite isn't the case. The only song I am not that mad about is Fires of Hell

It would be interesting to know the story behind some of the songs; some of them are clear from the lyrics but others not so.  Some hints come from her website such as the following quotes
“I see HANDFULS OF SKY as a record of emergence from one period of my life to the next,” Harmony says. “I feel like I’m displaying a lot. There are a lot of tracks which are basically me in a nutshell, though I don’t know how many people will recognise that.”  and "Sometimes I think ‘Geez, Harms, you’re being a bit too honest for your own good here’. Then I think, ‘No, it’s art. You don’t know which parts are true and which parts are just good stories.”

Handfuls Harmony James
Lyrics are on the Harmony James web site.

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